Future Gator!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Simply an Observation

I remember now why being pregnant for this long is no longer fun...all the fun is gone. Baby isn't moving near as much and when he does, it's just little movements and not the fun somersaults it used to be. Pregnancy at this stage is NOT cute. It's painful and the longer I go, the more stretch marks appear. I look like a balloon that should have popped weeks ago. And, the sleepless nights from "pretend" contractions and uncomfortable sleeping positions might as well be filled with time spent in a baby room nursing a newborn.

So...off I go to another doctor appointment so they can tell me not yet, Mrs. Jackson. Maybe next week. We'll see about that...

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, sweetie... it'll all be worth it very, VERY soon! Mother nature is just getting you ready for a boy! :o)
