Future Gator!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

37 Weeks, a Doctor's appointment, and Another Close Call

37 Weeks - FULL TERM!!!! YEAH for baby Drew!!! We finally got to the magic number and this baby can come any day now with no worry about his lungs or his ability to keep himself warm. From here on out, baby Drew will continue to put on plenty of baby fat. Right now, he is close to 6 1/3 pounds and about 19 inches long. He has remained head down and has moved his little body over to my left side. After spending the entire pregnancy on my right side, he is now positioned on the exact opposite side...the optimal place for delivery...clue #1 we are going soon.

At the Dr. appointment, I continued to measure right on target and the heartbeat was hovering in the 130's...nice and strong for a baby boy. Dr. Wolfson appeased me and checked to see if I had dilated at all. He was a little hesitant, but since both girls came between 37 and 38 weeks, he went ahead to be safe. He couldn't really tell if anything was happening because the baby's head was low and he couldn't get around it. So, for now, we still don't know anything, but we're sure he's comfy in there.

Last Wednesday night, we had another close call. I almost went to the hospital but convinced myself it was not real. I had been having contractions about every 5-7 minutes for several hours and when I went to bed at 11:00, I couldn't get comfortable. The contractions were so hard that there were times my stomach, hard as a rock, never relaxed. I even had trouble standing up. I decided to go back downstairs and watch TV to get my mind off of it...Golden Girls will do it every time. I finally got to sleep shortly after midnight, but was woken up at 3:00 with more intense contractions. So...I was logical...right. I got up and started doing embroidery because that's what all pregnant women at 37 weeks do at 3:00 in the morning when they have contractions. I had one more order I needed to finish and if I had to go to the hospital, I wanted it done. So...I finished the order, made lunch for Bo and Ally and got coffee ready for the morning. I thought if I could get Ally and Bo off to work and school, then I would go to the doctors instead of the hospital. It's so much easier to meet with the doctor for 15 minutes than go to the hospital and check in, wait for an hour and then have them tell me to go home. But, by 9:00 when the office opened, the contractions had subsided and I just spent the rest of the day on the couch. Thankfully Thursday was a calm day and I got some sleep that night.

I guess we just have to wait and see what this week brings!!

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