Future Gator!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

35 weeks and a Dr. Appointment

This week the baby has grown to 18 inches long and weighs about 5 1/4 pounds. That's almost as big as Ally at her birth. He has very little room to move around right now, but continues to jab and kick just as much as ever. Although he is head down, he gets uncomfortable "laying" on the same side and I can feel him do a complete roll every once in awhile. His kidneys are fully developed and his liver is starting to process waste products. His basic physical development is now complete and he will simply lay down fat over the next few weeks.

At the appointment, we are getting down to it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel...for me and the doctors. Only a few more appointments that I go to weekly now. This week was a good visit. I had only gained 1 pound in 2 weeks after much "larger" gains the past 2 visits. The heartbeat was steady in the 140's and I was measuring right on target. Next week we go for the same song and dance, but they will also do the Strep B test to make sure I don't have any infections to pass on to the baby. I have never tested positive for that, but I guess it's something they test for each baby. The baby is sitting very low and I can feel him with each step, it seems. I'm guessing for a quick delivery at this point!!