We have had our first doctor's appointment and it was just a simple weight check. Drew gained 8 ounces in 7 days...PERFECT!! As of March 12th, he weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. That's 2 more ounces than his birth weight. He continues to nurse well and hopefully that continues. We have officially hit the 3 week growth spurt and he is definitely hungrier and wants to eat more often. For now, I am keeping up with him which is a great relief.
He is still sleeping through the night and only waking for 1 feeding, but we have had a few restless nights here and there. I am hoping the growth spurt will not cause him to require more at night. And I am going to do my best to hold him off. Don't need to start any bad habits already.
Drew's umbilical cord fell off our first Sunday at home...one week old. His circumcision has completely healed and he has had his first bath. He wasn't a real fan of the chilly water, but he's getting better with each one.
Grandma and Grandpa Jackson have been here for a week and have been a tremendous help and tons of fun for the girls. We can't wait for them to move up here in a couple of weeks.
Hope you enjoy all the new pics of baby Drew.


Don't you just love the first bath? The poor things just scream and scream. Ian LOVES his baths now - seriously, it's my favorite time of day with him. Love all of the pictures! I promise to come over soon and hold him... it's been too long, but we've been trying to give y'all some space.