We had our doctor's appointment today and other than having some congestion, Drew is doing great!! He has gained tons of weight and is now up to 10 lbs. 8 oz. The nurse accused me of having ice cream for milk...which I will gladly take as a compliment. He has grown to 21 3/4 inches long. And he has hit all of his 1 month milestones...tracking an object to midline, focusing on an object, recognizing the sound of my voice and random smiling. Poor kid had to have a shot today. Thankfully it was just one. Next month we get four!!
Unfortunately, we had a bit of a scare the past 2 days, so I was thankful for the doctor appointment today. The girls have been sick for the past 2 weeks and I have done everything in my power to keep Drew from getting the crud. But, even some things moms can't prevent and, of course, he has a touch of something. Fortunately it is not accompanied by a fever. But, he has some major congestion that has made life on us hard. I forget that there are things that come so naturally to us that babies don't know. Coughing, for instance, is one of them. With all the mucous this poor kid has had inside him, he's been choking and gagging and having trouble breathing for the past 2 days. After getting some saline solution to help dry him up, he has finally figured out how to cough and get his airway clear. Big bonus for us, but that means more puke as well. So...he's been extra spitty and had some issues with Ally-type reflux. But, I am sure that will all subside once he gets rid of this cold. And after 2 solid weeks of sick kids and no rest for me, I am so ready for him to be well.
All in all, the first month has been a huge success. Drew has created a niche in our family and filled a void we had no idea we had. It is so fun to watch him grow and sad at the same time. Nonetheless, we are enjoying every minute of it. He's just our "wittle guy".
What a handsome guy!