Today Mommy and Ally went to a class called Mommy and Me...a class for big sisters and brothers. Kelsey stayed at home and napped, because even though she will be a big sister, this class would have been too much for her. When we got to the hospital, they took us to a special classroom where the kids all drew a picture of their hand. The idea is that when the baby arrives, we draw his hand inside Ally's hand so she can see how much she has grown since she was a baby. After that we talked about the rules of holding a baby...we must wash our hands, get permission, and sit all the way back in a comfy seat. Ms. Carolyn, the teacher, came around and helped all the kids get the baby in the right position for holding. Ally did a great job and looked like a real pro. After that, we learned how to
HELP mom and dad change a diaper. They took off the old diaper, rolled it up and threw it away. Then, they put on the new one and pulled the tabs tight to keep the diaper on baby. Finally, they got to learn how to wrap up and swaddle a baby in a blanket. Ally was very gentle and did everything she was supposed to do. She followed directions perfectly and was very proud of herself when the class was over. On our way out of class, we took a tour of the nursery and got to see a real baby going home with his mommy and daddy. He was so cute!! At the end of the tour, Ally got a special certificate that says she is a good big sister and ready to be a big helper. Plus, we got a few coupons for free ice cream at Chik-Fil-A. Enjoy the pictures.

OK, so the hair is too stinking precious. It looks like Ally will be following in her mommy's footsteps and take care of babies when she is still one herself! The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.