Future Gator!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

33 Weeks

We hit another full week today...only about 5 left to go. This week the baby weighs a little more than 4 pounds, about the weight of a large pineapple. He is 12 inches from crown to rump and pushing 17 inches of total body length. He is filling in with more and more baby fat and his bones are beginning to harden.

As for me...all is pretty well. We had a Dr. appointment on Thursday and the heartbeat is still around 130...good and strong. I'm measuring about average and they even think the baby might be a little bigger than Ally and Kelsey were. I'll believe that when I see it. I don't think he'll hit the 7 pound mark, but we'll see. I can tell the baby is growing more and more each day. He is very active. More active than I really think has has room for in there, but what do I know. He is constantly moving and rolling to let me know he is awake and aware. I have gotten big enough to shelter small children in a rainstorm and I can feel it at different times. Getting up and down isn't too big a problem, but sleeping has been a challenge. I hope God is not preparing me for lots of long, sleepless nights. I just can't seem to find a comfortable position to lay in. It seems I get most of my best rest on the couch in an inclined position because it takes the pressure off of my hips and back. But, if that's the only complaint I have, I'll live with it. There's only a few more weeks to enjoy this and I certainly am not going to let a few sleepless nights get me down.

I made the last of my appointments this past visit and for those of you watching the calendar, I am picking February 20th as the big day. We have an appointment that day where they will check to see how far along I am. The appointment is at 9:45 in the morning and Bo already has the day off. we had planned for that because it is mid-winter break for the girls and we wanted to do something special with them one last time before the baby got here. So...we'll all go to see the Dr. and head off on some excursion afterwards. At least we'll all be together when I decide it's time to roll on in to the hospital.

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