Drew had his 4 month check up today and it is good to report that all is well with our little boy. He checked in at 24 1/2 inches long and weighed close to 17 pounds...16 pounds, 13 ounces. I imagine we'll be pushing the 20 pound mark by 6 months which blows my mind. Both of the girls didn't hit 20 pounds until close to the first year. We may have a Gator Football Player on our hands!!!
Drew is also hitting all of his developmental milestones...cooing/talking, rolling from his side to his back, focusing and following objects, grasping and holding on to things in front of him. The doctor said he had a perfectly shaped head, but I wasn't going to tell him it was because he was sleeping on his tummy and not on his back. We'll keep that info to ourselves for time being.
Drew got 4 shots today and 1 cocktail vaccination. The cocktail is an oral vaccine to protect against rotovirus. It's a new vaccine I wish they had when the girls were little. Ally had a terrible bout with it when I was 8 months pregnant with Kelsey and it had us in the hospital for 3 days. The vaccine doesn't prevent him from getting it, but it does prevent it from being as bad as Ally had it. Thankfully, Kelsey hasn't gotten it yet. Rotovirus season is around February and March (Ally had it in April), sowe should be well vaccinated by then.
The last bit of information I got from the doctor was that Drew's case of RSV shortly after he was born makes him susceptible to get it again this flu and cold season. Plus, he will have a greater tendency for wheezing with even just the common cold. So, he has forwarned me that I need to be aware of his health coming up during the change of seasons and take extra precautions to keep him healthy. With that in mind, we are installing an automatic sanitizing shower at our front door next week for Bo, Ally and Kelsey to walk through after the school day. I do not want to have RSV again this year.
Here's Drew's 4 month picture that I finally had the chance to take the other day. I was skimming through old pictures of Kelsey at 4 months and realized that Kelsey was Drew in a dress. Amazing to me how much they look alike.

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