The past month has included lots of new first for Drew. We went to Disney World to start the month and we are ending this month in the mountains with Sean and Niki...2 vacations...don't get used to it. We started cereal this month and we get a bottle of milk before bed because mommy just can't produce enough fast enough. Drew is finally sleeping through the night consistently, though I go in there several times a night to give him the pacifier or move him to the bottom of the crib. He is such a scooter when he sleeps. And very particular...he has to have his blankie or something soft to hold on to and he always has to have 1 little foot kicked out and on top of the blanket that covers him. My favorite is listening to him talk to the stuffed animals in his crib when he wakes up in the morning.
Drew thoroughly enjoys his sisters and they adore him as well. They love to hold him and play with him and he smiles for miles when he sees them and hears them. I think I'll soak this up while I can. I can't imagine it will last forever.
The only other thing we really need to be careful about is the picture taking and video making. I remember having so much video of Ally and it has gotten less and less with the kids as they get older. I read my sister's blog the other day and saw the video of Ian laughing. It was so cute and precious and I hate that times like that have gone by with all 3 kids and we don't have it on video. I have made more of a point with Drew to "etch everything" in my brain so I won't forget these times, but I know it will be gone from my memory soon. Hopefully this will be the swift kick we need to get more video and try to remember these special times. They just go by too quickly!!
Enjoy the pics from this month. I'll be sure to post the new 4 month picture when we return from our trip...the camera is packed in the car right now.
Tummy Time

Visiting with Uncle Sean

Aunt Tracey and Ashleigh came to visit too!!

Chillin' with my cuz, Ian.

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