For a couple of weeks now, Drew has been pushing his nightly feedings back more and more. It started at 2:00, then it made its way to 3:15, then 4:30 and last night, for the first time, we made it all the way through to 7:45. I've hesitated him sleeping through the night until now for several reasons. I've been afraid to let him go because if it happens during the week and he can't make it, then he wants to be up and eat in the middle of all the action getting Ally and Bo out the door for school. Plus..I must admit that most nights I enjoy our quiet time together once I get my happy rear-end out of bed and in to his room. And, I could tell this night was coming because for the past several nights when I went in there to feed him when I heard him stirring, he would cry when I picked him if he was still tired and didn't want to be awake. that I know my little buddy can make it through the night, I might try pushing for it. My "sorta" goal was to have him sleeping through the night by the time we left for Disney. The closer Disney gets, the more I am fine with just getting up once a night for a quick feeding. But, with this newest development, I've been teased. And I'd LOVE a full night's sleep each night at Disney. So...we have a new plan. 15 days until Disney...can we do it??? Can we be sleeping through the night regularly before that trip?
I know we are the poster child for SIDS...tummy sleeping, blanket...but it's what works!!
You are such an awesome mom! Can you come over and work your magic on Era? :)