...months old, that is. Where has the time gone??? The past month has been a whirlwind of sickness, really. We started out the month at the ER for what turned out to be RSV. And, thankfully, we came through that with flying colors. Drew's breathing never seemed to get labored and by the middle of the following week, he was noticeably better. Finally, he was starting to come out of it when Ally brought home another cold from school. She's been healthy as a horse all year long and then we have a baby and she brings home a virus that has her home sick for a week and 2 colds...go figure!! Needless to say, Drew became congested again, but not nearly as bad as he had been with the RSV. Unfortunately, the congestion settled in his ears and we were back at the doctor's office on 24th with our very first ear infection. We have been on antibiotics for the past week and will be for another few days. Drew has taken them like a champ...which is always a blessing. Because of all the sickness, we have really tried to stay close to home. But, we did venture out for Easter and Drew looked so handsome in his cute Easter outfit.
As for milestones, Drew is hitting all of them. When we were at the doctor's office last week for the ear infection, Drew weighed in at a whopping 12 pounds, 12 ounces. I doubt he will have gained much more for his 2 month appointment on the 5th, coming up, but we'll see. He is definitely bigger, heavier and much stronger. He can hold his head up steady for short periods of time and he loves to watch his big sisters run all over the place. My favorite time of day with him is bath time. He enjoys the bath most days, but we have our moments if we are tired. The part I enjoy is just after bath when we are wrapped up snugly in our bath towel and we just sit and smile at each other. He's gotten good at that. His schedule has been terrific since we got over the RSV. He takes 3 naps a day and is up for about 2 hours during our longest stretch. He goes to bed about 8:00 right now, though he seems to be pushing that earlier and earlier. By 7:00 he is tired and ready for bath and bed. The last hour can be a challenge. The nice part is we have cut out the 10:00 night cap. He goes to bed at 8:00 and wakes around 2:30 for a feeding. And then sleeps until 7:15 or so. I can actually get about 6 hours solid if I go to bed when he does. Never has that happened, but it's nice to skip that 10:00 feeding now and know he can make it for awhile. I'll be interested to see how much longer he will sleep once we start cereal in the next month or so. Both girls were sleeping through the night at this age and I imagine Drew will follow suit soon. I must admit, the one feeding Drew gets up for is quick and he goes right back to sleep, so I kinda enjoy cuddling him those quiet minutes of the night because I know that time is coming to an end soon.
Drew has been a complete blessing in our life and we are anxious to have him and KEEP him healthy. Summer should be a good time for that. Enjoy the pictures of our past month. Leave us a comment...we'd love to hear from you!!
Sweet Feet
Small Hands
Sweet Baby Face
Dad's First Diaper Change...really??? At almost 2 months??? Good Job Daddy!!!

Such a strong boy...
At the Easter Egg Hunt
Me and all my new friends!!

Two Months Old Today!!