As always the most fun part of visiting the doctor is finding out how much this guy has grown since the last appointment. For his 1 year visit, Drew weighed in at 24 lbs. 3 oz. and was 29 1/2 inches long. He is the perfect Thanksgiving Butterball!! He had only gained 2 pounds since the last appointment, but there was no reason for concern. Now that he is completely on table food and moving all over the place to keep up with the girls, he's bound to stop gaining so much weight at some point. The doctor said his eating should nose dive in the next few months because he won't require as much food as he used to. But, we hope that he continues to want to eat all the healthy fruits and veggies he can't get enough of right now.
Other than the 4 slow motion teeth he has coming in right now, Drew is completely on track. He is developmentally perfect and we continue to enjoy watching all the new things he does every day. For now, he is learning how to pull up and get up on those chunky legs. He doesn't like to be there long because it's way too much work to stand up. So...we'll be waiting for a few months on those first steps. I am sure by the time summer rolls around and he has a choice to sit in the hot sun or walk to the pool...he'll choose the option of running!! He's a big fan of playing ball. Seems he'll be a righty when it's all said and done. He loves to throw the ball, crawl for it, and then throw it again. The girls continue to be his favorite entertainment. There is always something they do or say that make him smile and laugh. The 2 of them fight over him all the time. But, they love him tons and that's what important. Enjoy the pictures from the past month!!
you have the cutest kids :) Happy Bday Drew!