Drew turned 10 months old today!!! The time is just flying by and we hope that it slows down very soon. Drew is crawling...normally, not commando style...and gets in to everything now. He has figured out where the playroom and the bathroom are and he loves to go in those rooms because he knows he's not supposed to. So, for now, the doors stay closed all the time. Eventually, we'll have to make the playroom home for his things as well, but for now, there's just too much in there he can get a hold of. We have no idea how much this little chunker weighs this month and we probably won't have an official weight or height check again until he goes for his 1 year appointment. But, we are positive he continues to put on the pounds. He eats everything we put in front of him...veggies, bread, crackers, pizza, meatballs, pancakes, noodles, tomatoes, whatever he can get in his mouth. He is the human vacuum cleaner and that comes from his daddy. Other than continuing to grow and move around, there isn't much new that he does yet. But, he loves to go through all of his tricks when someone new walks in the room. He always raises his hands above his head for "So Big", he claps, and then he waves hi. Sooner or later, we'll have to add blowing kisses to our routine. Enjoy the pictures from the past month.
10 Months Old

Drew and Ally riding the car.
I can crawl...
Making a mess of mommy's magazines.
Ooooh...it's Santa!!
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