And I mean that literally...not figuratively!! Drew started a new schedule today. We'll see how it goes. He's been such a good sleeper that I haven't ever taken him off of the 3 naps a day he's been on since shortly after birth. Both girls were the same way, but gave up the 3rd nap right around 6 months. Drew hit 7 months last week and would probably still take all 3 naps a day if I let him. But, the naps themselves are getting much shorter. So, instead of fighting him, I am changing his nap schedule to 2 longer ones a day now. Unfortunately, that means a few months with no break in the day for me. Drew will sleep from 10-12 and be up from 12-2...when all of my other kids are sleeping. Then, he'll go down for a long afternoon nap just when all the others are starting to get up. This probably means I'll be instituting the mid-day coffee break just to keep going. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, though it means my baby boy is getting bigger. Only a few months of this routine and he'll be down to one nap a day. And that just blows my mind!!!
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