Wittle Guy turned 7 months old today. But, he is hardly a little guy!! We don't get any weight checks now until 9 months, but my guess is that he's really pushing the weight limit on some of his toys. It seems he grows by pounds everyday. And he is such a load to carry around.
What did we do this month??? We are getting much better at sitting...although some would say it's just rolls piled up on one another that hold Drew up. He can reach for toys and not fall over, so he's definitely improving. We still love the swing and the jumper, but I'm not sure we have much time left in either. Drew sits up straight in the swing and I just wait for the momentum of him and the swing to cause it to fall over. And the jumper....let's just hope this house was made of quality materials. I am waiting for the door frame to come crashing down around us. He loves to jump around in it, but I'm not so sure the door jam will hold his weight much longer.
Drew had a lot of first trips this month. First, we did our annual apple picking trip to the North Georgia Mountains. It's hard to believe last year at this time we were still waiting to see what was brewing inside me. Drew also enjoyed his first trip to the beach this month in Navarre, Florida. And, as we expected, he loved the pool, he loved the ocean, and even enjoyed relaxing in a baby pool on the sand. Thankfully we did not try to eat any of it.
Speaking of eating...we are very well in to our routine of new foods. We have tried all the veggies and are still working on the fruits. He only gets 4 days of a new fruit and then we switch back to veggies for a couple days so we don't get so used to the sweet stuff. He is most happiest in his chair when he knows food is on the way!!
Finally...we spent a whole weekend away from mom and dad this past month. We headed to Gainesville for a Gator game and Drew stayed with his sisters and cousins at Aunt Jackie and Uncle Stefan's house. And, to our knowledge, he managed with a smile on his face. Although, I doubt, Jackie would tell us any different.
Enjoy some pics from the last month...
7 months old!!
Daddy and Drew working on a project.

I Love Eating!!!