Drew turns six months old today!!! We head to the doctor's on Thursday for his well check and I'll post a new blog about the visit after we get home. Should be an interesting appointment...weight and height check, shots and a flu vaccine. Plus, we should find out a little more about the bump on his head. Poor little guy has some really bad bug bite or spider bite on his head. It has reduced in size a lot over the last couple of days, but now it is VERY HARD...which leads me to believe it is a spider bite. But, we'll see...
This month has been a fun month with Drew. Both girls went back to school this August, so we've had some time together without the girls around and that has been nice. He's getting so big so fast and he gets stronger every day, but he's still quite a baby. He hasn't really started doing anything new this month other than foods. We have started trying out all the veggies. So far we have tried carrots, sweet potatoes and peas. The carrots are, by far, the favorite. He hasn't made any significant moves to try sitting up or crawling. He's not even able to roll from his back to his belly yet, although he can do it the other way around quite proficiently. I remember this age with Kelsey and, like her, he is quite content with what he is doing so there's no need to push him along. Plus, it takes too much energy to move all this chunk around, so for now, we just play and coo.
Check the blog some time after Thursday for the doctor updates. For now, enjoy the pictures of the past month and sing half of the happy birthday song!!
Tummy time on the surf board.

I love carrots!!
Peas...not so much...although you'd never know it from this picture.
Mommy says I'm a good boy and that makes me smile!!

I love my big sisters and they love me!!