No news to report on Drew's height or weight for another month yet. But, he continues to grow big and strong. Drew's first 2 teeth popped through (finally!!) this month. It's funny to watch him rub his tongue over top of them as if to say, "Hey...this feels weird. What are these things??" The constant drooling and drippy nose, however, has led to another ear infection. It's his 2nd one since birth, but nothing to be concerned about. I forgot from the first ear infection when he was just 5 weeks old how badly the antibiotics tear up his little belly. The poor boy gets a full teaspoon of Amoxil, twice a day. They base it on weight and we all know he has tons of that. So, he's been quite cranky these few days. I'm hoping it's the antibiotics making him feel yucky and not because they aren't working. We'll see how he is after the 10 days are up, I suppose. Otherwise, there isn't much new to report. Drew continues to get better at sitting and he's even started rocking on all fours if you put him up on all fours. He hasn't figure out how to get up on all fours on his own. So, it won't be long until this blog has a post about him crawling all over the place and wreaking havoc on everything here.
Enjoy some pics from the last month...
I'm 8 months old!!
