Drew is 5 months old already. And he's getting so big. He has to be close to 20 pounds by now and he is such a load to carry around. There is no doctor check-up this month, so we'll have to wait another few weeks to see how much he has actually gained. He's rolling over from his belly to his back which has proved challenging at night when he sleeps, wakes up, rolls over, and can't get back to his belly to sleep. He's like a beetle with legs kicking and screaming...quite a sight, actually. His head is pretty strong and I have resisted until this month to pull out the jumper and the exersaucer. He enjoys his swing and playmat so much that I wanted to hold off on these things until he absolutely had to have new entertainment. He still enjoys those things, but for shorter periods of time now. So, the jumper and the exersaucer are something new for him to enjoy. This is also the month where we realized we had a voice and we could change how loud or soft it is. Plus, we learned about pitch and we love to make lots of different noises too. He loves to talk to his mirror in the car. I think he thinks it's a friend. Bath time is still one of our favorite times and he anjoys being in the big tub. It gives him room to splash and move around.
We are getting in to that very fun and playful age. Drew is such a smiley, happy, go-with-the-flow kind of baby and it makes life so easy when hectic situations arise. I know we can take him where ever and he'll adjust to it. Enjoy the pics!!
Drew's First Baby Einstein - Neptune. We're a big fan!!

Chillin' in cousin Ian's jumper.
First bath in the tub...lovin' it!!

Jumpin Jack Flash

Playing with my big sister, Ally.
